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Автор Тема: PPC Advertising Where Do You Start  (Прочитано 2705 раз)
Сообщений: 35

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« : Февраль 19, 2012, 05:34:56 »

another disadvantage of remote conol dimmer is easily lost, especially in public places such as schools, office buildings and other places. worse, it needs both with the same brand lighting dimmers, so there is no uniform standard. that is because the brand is not compatible with each other, so the existing market is very small, the future is unlikely to spread. ge, toshiba, panasonic has not yet inoduced remote conol dimmer lighting products, that competitors will not use the product specifications. various manufacturers their own ways, just like cell phone chargers, like, nokia, samsung, lg, motorola are mutually exclusive. (3) silicon-conolled dimmers - eleconic dimmer, remote dimmer unit costs are high, nor a unified standard, so the old silicon conolled by the amount of slightly dimmer. lighted sign
consuction bank: overall the white-based, subject to white flood lighting, edge sucture from top to bottom with blue and white color led array, the house of isomeic shape of the front cross-ordered use of led. yuhua hotel: yellow light mainly within the tube wall through the use of t5 lighting, architectural integrity with yellow led light with crochet. wide and the building: the main facade of white light cast by the light blue top and bottom sides arranged by the top hierarchy with warm lighting flood lighting, roof corners with high brightness white led outline of crochet. riverside road, led lighting, mainly in the main building facade will be illuminated with led line of horizontal and vertical sucture of light or point light, ornament, and crochet. presented the overall architecture. features installed in high-rise building at the top of the air rose light, night light beam projected to full swing in the air, set off a festive atmosphere. adminisative office buildings dominated by static lighting, hotels and commercial buildings with led color light source based. neon sign
feng bits of precision measurement is difficult, and 1 nm specal shift of the error changes to correspond to about 30 degrees measured junction temperature changes, so the relatively low accuracy and repeatability. 4) the nematic liquid crystal thermal imaging technology for high resolution, the insument can only measure a single bare chip is not packaged, can not measure the packaged led. 5) the use of diode junction voltage and junction temperature of the vf-tj curve, to measure the led junction temperature. from the above description of the various led junction temperature measurement method can be seen, the use of monitoring changes in the diode junction voltage junction temperature method to project the most feasible and have the highest measurement accuracy, so in many integrated circuit ic, in order to detect ic the work of the chip junction temperature, often carved or value into one or more diodes, the forward voltage drop by measuring the change to achieve the purpose of measuring the chip junction temperature. (2) of the current international vf-tj .writing board
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