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FJG Сообщение 20/09/2010 19:09 Копия темы
extract We are living in a free world where it is only up to you which way to choose for your further life. Whether to get your place in life with a good salary, friendly family affording a good rest somewhere on the isles of your dreams from the childhood. Or you can choose another way going with the stream of majority of people earning their living barely making ends meet.
Whatever your decision should be you will face another problem. Each step you are making in life should be documentally confirmed. And you will not be given an employment if you have not got a proper education.
But I concider not the document (diploma, certificate of degree or another documents) to be the most important after graduating but the knowledge and experience that you have gained, the practice, the perfect knowledge of aplication of your skills. That is important. Unfortunately everything in this world can be bought. And the quality depends only on the summ of money you can pay for it. You can buy a new heart, and a surgeon will transplant it, you can buy diploma, but you never can buy knowledge, experience and wit. These you can get while study. And not only at the university or colledge, but every day, gaining new experience, while self-education.
It is up to you whether get an education or not but without it you will not get a success.
SkyNika Сообщение 21/09/2010 01:40 Копия темы

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