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Ник (или часть ника):
Какой текст ищем:
Раздел блогов:
За срок
Тип поиска: (по вхождению: по тексту гуг выдаст посты с "гуг", "гугл", "огугл"; "полнотекстовый": по тексту "гуг" выдаст посты только с "гуг")
По вхождению строки:  Полнотекстовый: 
(поиск не 100% актуальный, есть определённая задержка при обновлении данных для поиска. )
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miminari Сообщение 07/06/2011 17:41 Копия темы
Use reset.css This is the first post from a set of HTML / CSS rules & guidelines.

Note 1: all posts will be in English.
Note 2: you can ask / comment me for anything.

Stay tuned :)

Use reset.css

Reset (or Normalise, Base Stylesheet, etc.) is used to bring all elements into a single form, common to all browsers, which makes future editing more comfortable. It also allows you to save the right semantics of a document, use HTML elements according to their appointment.

Reset – this is the first thing that the browser should see. All other rules have to go after it.

This is only a good starting point. Reset, without further redefinition of styles is useless.

Feel free to modify and expand Reset / Base stylesheets in accordance with the current project or your preferences.

You can see a few variants below, but I recommend to use the Eric Meyer's Reset v2.0 (meyerweb.com/eric/tools/c... and not "Simple Reset" or something like "A Simple Base Stylesheet" – this complicates the process of editing pages.

Old-style (or Simple) CSS Reset

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0 }

Eric Meyer's Reset

v1.0 (200802) meyerweb.com/eric/tools/c...
v2.0 (20110126) meyerweb.com/eric/tools/c...

YUI's CSS Reset

YUI 2 CSS Reset developer.yahoo.com/yui/r...
YUI 3 CSS Reset developer.yahoo.com/yui/3...

A Simple Base Stylesheet

A Simple Base Stylesheet (CSS Reset Alternative) covertprestige.info/css/b...

Normalize CSS

normalize.css necolas.github.com/normal... 
5angel Сообщение 07/06/2011 19:46 Копия темы
Thanks, Captain!
miminari Сообщение 08/06/2011 07:14 Копия темы
Следите за апдейтами – новое будет появляться регулярно ;)

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